I personally think TEC Rebels are the best, they are the military faction. What is the best faction in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion? Credits are the general currency used by the three races in the game, and are gained by completing missions, collecting bounties, creating a trade network, and taxing planets. Sins of a Solar Empire has three main resources to gather: Credits, Metal, and Crystal. Their 2012 hit Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is currently free to download and keep.
Is Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion free? What kind of game is sins of a Solar Empire?.How does Galaxy Forge work in Sins of a Solar Empire?.Why was sins of a Solar Empire removed?.Are there any mods for sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion?.Will there ever be a Sins of a Solar Empire 2?.What is the best faction in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion?.